MCj04258080000[1]                     Student Stress Checklist            

Both positive and negative events can be stressful.

Make a note of any items that you have experienced in the past six months or are likely to experience in the next six months.


 1. Death of a loved one

2. Relocating to Tallahassee

3. Divorce

4. Encounter with the legal system

5. Transfer to a new school

6. Marriage

7. Lost job

8. Elected to leadership position

9. New romantic relationship

10. Serious argument with close friend

11. Increase in course load or difficulty

12. Change in health of family member

13. First semester in college

14. Failed important course

15. Major personal injury or illness

16. Change in living conditions

17. Argument with instructor

18. Outstanding achievement

19. Change in social life.

20. Change in sleeping habits.

21. Lower grades than expected.

22. Breakup of relationship.

23. New job.

24. Financial problems.

25. Change in eating habits.

26. Chronic car trouble.

27. Pregnancy.

28. Too many missed classes.

29. Long commute to work/school.

30. Working more than one job.

31. Impending graduation.

32. Argument with family member.

33 Changes in alcohol and/or drug use.

34. Roommate problems.

35. Raising children.

36. Others________________________



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